I'm STILL on capsules because I was delayed two weeks.
My first two capsules up-doses went well.
I'm holding my nose because the dose smells really bad. (It still does.)
My shirt says CRUSHING IT DAILY!
But then I had to skip a week and then I got strep the week after.
The first week I didn't updose because I had a mini reaction after my 3rd capsule updose.
My shirt says NEVER BACK DOWN. I look cool, right?
But this is the up-dose that gave me problems for too many days.
On the car ride home I swallowed wrong and that lasted for like three quarters of the car ride. I was trying to clear my throat a lot. When we got home, there were spots and bumps on my arms, stomach and back. It did not bother me. My parents called the Doctor Selter. He said to keep watching me and make sure my breathing was okay. But I really felt fine that whole time. But that night I slept in my mom's bed. I was fine!
But each time I tried dosing with that dose my body had a little problem with it. We decided to not to up-dose so my body could get used to that dose.
I had a few days of dosing that were actually fine, but theeeeen the week after I got strep which made me not able to up-dose.
I'm at the doctor to get anti-biotics for strep. I also am taking probiotics now. |
Aaaand for two days I did not dose at all and then the day after I dosed what I dosed two weeks earlier dose and then the day after that I dosed the one week earlier dose and then the day after that I went back to my regular dose.
On Wednesday, after skipping two days of dosing anything, I was perfectly fine for dosing for the first time in two and a half days! I was excited and nervous before I dosed again. That's called
"excervous"- that's excited and nervous put together. I was excited because I was dosing again. I was nervous because that was the first time in almost three days. But my body stayed on track and was STRONG! It beat those stupid crazy peanuts!
Back on track baby!
After five days I'm back on my regular dose.
I really really really want to up-dose this Thursday because I want to finish capsules because the taste is bad and it takes like seven whole minutes.
Check out those OIT sentences from a few weeks ago in my school-work. |
And like three weeks ago we ordered a box of a bag of peanuts and we STILL did not open it.
In this picture- we are about to order the peanuts. Augh!!! |
If I updoseded the last two weeks, I'd be on peanut right now. Awww man.
But it's not how you start- it's how you finish. That means if it's a bumpy ride, that doesn't matter, the destination is what matters!
Bye see you soon. Thanks for your support citizens of the world!