Thursday, January 19, 2017


Today when I got home from school I was so excited because it is UPDOSE DAY!!!!

So the first thing I did when I got there was they checked my height and they also checked my weight.

And then you walk to your room. I went to an amazing room-- the room that I talked about in the other post. Remember--- in the second one? Remember when I said the good chair and the games and stuff, that's the room I got!

First they need to make sure you could updose. They check your temperature to make sure you don't have fever. Then they check your blood pressure. I got to squeeze it and ask questions about it. And I got a lesson about it. I thought the lesson was interesting!
This is me doing my blood pressure.

Then they did the finger thing. Then you do the blowie thingy.
That's me doing the thing that tests my lungs
Then the A.T. (oops my mom told me it's a P.A. not a A.T.) checked me by looking in my nose and throat and stuff.

A few minutes later I DOSED!
This is my very first updose of drinking it in 6ML
Then I drunk water and ate applesauce. Then I played mom in chess and Chinese checkers and then we did battleship. 
I'm getting ready to beat my mom in chess.
Every twenty minutes they checked me. I had lots of fun playing all those games and after an hour they refilled our blue bag- the cooler with our new dose. And then we leave.

Now I am up to 6ML! I am up to 15 milligrams! That is 1/18th of a peanut! And it's gonna be nine more updoses until I eat an actual peanut! While I am typing this I am yelling this out because I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





I am wearing a shirt that says GAME CHANGER because this shirt is specifically made for OIT. (My mom just told me it's not made specifically for OIT). I just think it just much much more reasonable for OIT because OIT is a game changer! Because it's going to change the life of me.

Sunday, January 15, 2017


My very first appointment was a little scary since that was the first time I was eating peanuts since my anaphylactic reaction. If you be brave it will get less scary and more fun as you go. In my opinion the dose tastes really good. It even gets fun on the first day because they give you the dose every fifteen minutes. It was a really nice room and I was in a really nice chair.
This is the comfy chair from the first appointment
My first dose was less than one one millionth of a peanut. The first day was also fun because there were lots of games in the room and I beat my mom in chess!  At my doctor there were 26 doses allowed on the first day but they will stop if you get itchy and stuff. I stopped at the 16th dose because I was doing pretty good at the 1 to 15th dose but at the 16th dose I started getting itchy so the 16th dose was a very good time to stop. So the only thing that happened is you're going to take home the dose one before of when you started getting itchy in a cooler (because the dose has to stay cold.) My take home dose was 1/6,000 of a peanut which is 50 micrograms.

You have to dose every day in order for your body to stay used to the dose.
This is my very first dose at home
You should be basically full before you dose and you should drink water and then eat applesauce after you dose because it will make a much less chance of getting a reaction. If you don't like applesauce, don't worry because I didn't like it at first but now I love it and beg to eat it extra!
This is when I didn't like the applesauce (but now I love it and I beg for more)
You also can't run around for two hours at least (no speedwalking either). You also shouldn't take a bath (or shower) for two hours and somebody should be watching you for an hour so they can make sure you're not getting a reaction.

If you're fine the whole week you are probably going to updose (unless you are sick.) You can updose when your doctor says it's okay to updose. My doctor says I can updose once a week. You go to updose only once per week so your body has time to get used to the dose. At the doctor something goes on your finger for a few seconds that checks how fast your heart is going and checks the oxygen in your blood. It doesn't hurt at all.
The thing on my right hand is that thing that goes on your finger

And you also blow through a thing to see how high you can go. I like doing it again and again and getting new high records. After they check you, you updose at the doctor's office. Then they watch you to make sure you're getting used to the new dose and they check you every twenty minutes after you updose.

Three days after I started I was sick with fever. I had strep throat. I had to downdose once, then up, then down then back up. You shouldn't get mad when you down-dose because your body needs time to get used to it. What matters is that you don't get a reaction and stay safe. It doesn't matter if you go slowly but you're still gonna complete OIT!
This is my very first updose after an entire month

After that first month, I was able to updose seven weeks in a row.
I updosed last week too so I didn't have to downdose at all recently! Now my dose is 1/25th of a peanut which is 10 milligrams! Now my body is used to this dose! A long time ago my doctor said that I could have a anaphylaxis reaction at 1/100th of a peanut and now I'm much past that and I didn't have a reaction! That means I'm getting used to it!

Updosing to 100 micrograms!

Updosing to 250 micrograms!

Updosing to 500 micrograms
Updosing to 1,000 micrograms which is 1 milligram

Updosing to 2.5 milligrams
Updosing to 5 milligrams

Updosing to 10 milligrams

This is info that can help kids process and understand OIT. And this is some stuff that happened in OIT for me. I will write another part of my blog soon. Bye!

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Hi. I'm Coby. I am 8 years old. I am happy to be writing this blog. I am a boy. I am in 3rd grade. I like to play games. I am cute. I am helpful. I am good at helping my mom cook. And I am brave.

I found out I was allergic to peanuts because when I was two I ate two goobers and I got a allergic reaction. I asked my mom for them and she gave them to me because we didn't know I was allergic. I hadded to be in the hospital because I ate goobers. They had to put in needles and stuff to save me.
This is when I was in the hospital.

In order to stay safe I have to carry epipens around in my epibelt that I wear. When I have playdates people have to come to MY house and they have to not eat peanuts or stuff with peanuts in them. And I have to read ingredients. And I sometimes catch mistakes that people miss. And I'll give you an example. Once in a party in my school I was about to eat cookies but then I decided to read the label and I saw that it says 'may contains peanuts' on the bottom so then I didn't eat it.

That's what brought me to my OIT journey.

This is my very first dose.

I started OIT because I want to be desensitized from peanuts. After OIT I won't have to worry so much. I could eat ice cream, ice cream cakes, go to restaurants, go to other people's houses, playdates and eat anything in the parties and have any cake and eat anything on a vacation or eat any ice cream or eat any cookies or cupcakes and be safe.

OIT is where you dose every day. When you updose you double or get to a higher milligram and it has to be done at the doctor's office. If I don't get sick or have reactions I updose every Thursday (or if they're not closed). Right now the dose is liquid mix of peanuts into grape flavor. And when you finish the liquid doses you get to peanut capsules and then to actual peanuts. And when you are desensitized you graduate.

I have to eat something before dosing and applesauce after dosing. After dosing somebody has to watch you for an hour and you can't get wild for two hours. They watch because they are looking for a reaction which is usually just in the first hour. I can't exercise because if I do my heart beat would go up and then I can maybe get a reaction. A reaction might mean having to use my epipen and going to the hospital for days! You could dose up to two hours early or two hours late but you should really dose at the correct time they say.

In the beginning I was sick and I had to downdose and didn't updose at all for a month. The whole November I didn't get to updose. I am so excited when I figure out I am able to updose and when they say I am good to updose, I literally jump out of my seat!

So that's all for today. I am happy that you read my blog. I'll blog again soon!